Adult Learners Week 2018 - Dan tells her story | Pines Learning
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Adult Learners Week 2018 – Dan tells her story

The following story is  from Dan who is enrolled in our EAL program area.

“ I haven’t had a job for a few years, being a full-time mother makes me feel very discouraged and lacking in confidence. When I come to Pines Learning, I see a happy learning environment. When I hold my pen to finish the writing homework and get a good comment from the teacher, I am gaining back my confidence by learning, little by little. When I hear some news reports of disasters or sad stories, I feel heartbreak and am sort of thankful that I have a safe life here. Learning also gives me a sense of calm and contentment. Learning gives me a chance to escape from a disappointing corner. It is never too old to learn. Learning helps to make my dreams come true.”

Beautifully said Dan. We are so glad to be part of your learning journey.