Meet the team at Pines Learning who invite you to be part of our Centre and enjoy the array of courses and services we provide in a friendly, welcoming environment.
Pines Learning is run by a voluntary Board of Management comprising of a wide range of community members. Here is a list of current Board Members. The Board of Managements responsibilities are:
- To set and monitor strategic directions
- To establish and review organisation policies
- To appoint and monitor the performance of the General Manager
- To ensure financial viability and manage risk
Pines Learning staff 2023
General Manager
Sally Brennan
Finance Manager
Terri Williams
Childcare Manager
Rupal Chandra
VET Manager
Aarthi Prakash
Employment & Pathways Coordinator
Jenny Carson
VET Coordinator (Individual Support)
EAL Coordinator
Sandie Forbes
Community Programs Coordinator
Libby Payne
Reconnect Program
Melanie Povey
Information Management Officer
Silvana Cassar
Administration Assistant and Information Management Support
Sandra Toal
Administration Assistant
Bernie Holland
Administration Assistant
Janice Killiny
Administration Assistant
Sandra Savoia
Administration Assistant (Casual)
Carolline Herd
Early Childhood Teacher & Education Leader (ECT)
Karen Wu
Early Childhood Teacher (ECT)
Atefeh Fani Ghanderijani
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma)
Vicky Liu
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma)
Claudia Fielder
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma)
Cheenu Chandra
Early Childhood Educator (Cert III)
Monica Rodrigues
Early Childhood Educator (Cert III)
Valentina Vardari
Early Childhood Educator (ECT) (Casual)
Michelle Hughes
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma) (Casual)
Fiona Porto
Early Childhood Educator (Cert III) (Casual)
Sze Man (Fannie) Cheng